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 Postgraduate Courses in Business & International Affairs 

                    Taught by Adjunct Professor Michael E. Bryant, MA, MBA, CPA 

   at Higher Education Institutions Worldwide 

International Corporate Finance - Homework Assignments

 * * Final Exam " - Part 1 (Take Home portion) - [Click Here] * *


* Please remember to bring a calculator to the final exam. No mobile phone calculators, computers, or I-pads will be allowed. If you forget to bring a calculator to the exam, you WILL NOT be allowed to share a calculator with a classmate. *


* If I see anyone speaking with another student during the final exam, I will immediately collect both student's exams, and grade their papers based on the questions finished before the "cheating" event occurred * 

* Also, if I see a student looking at another student's paper during the exam, I will immediately collect the student's exam, and grade his or her exam based on the questions finished before the "cheating" event occurred * 

 *Please Note: As the Midterm and Final Exam formats have been changed (made much easier for the class) to include my providing all of the exam questions in advance of the exams, thus making the exams much less difficult, the standards will be raised by which top grades can be earned, as well as by which the exams will be counted towards the final grade.

Assignment No.

Due Date

 Assignment Details





Read Chapters 1 & 2 in the "Multinational Finance" textbook, and be prepared to discuss the "Conceptual Questions" at the end of each chapter (on page 17 and pages 42-43)

Read Chapters 3 & 4 in the "Multinational Finance" textbook, and be prepared to discuss the "Conceptual Questions" at the end of each chapter (on pages 69 and 98). * Submit written answers to Questions 3.2 , 3.4, 4.2, and 4.4 *


** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT **  There will no longer be 5 Section Tests in this course. Instead, there will only be a Mid-Term Exam on November 26th, and a Final                  Exam at the end of the course.

** NEW TEXTBOOK **                        "Principles of Corporate Finance", 10th Edition, by Brealey, Meyers, and Allen




Read Chapters 4 the "Multinational Finance" textbook, and be prepared to discuss the "Conceptual Questions" at the end of each chapter (on pages 131-32 and 159). * Submit written answers to Problems 4.2 , 4.4 *

Read Chapter 2 in "Principles of Corporate Finance" (PCF). * Submit (via e-mail) written answers to the following seven (7) questions on pages 39 - 44:  2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 24, 38



1. Finish Questions 2, 4, 8, 12, 14, 24 & 38 in Chapter 2 of the “Principles of Corporate Finance” textbook. Submit via e-mail to

2. Read Chapter 3 “Valuing Bonds” in the “Principles of Corporate Finance” textbook

3. Work Questions 5, 15 & 28. Submit via e-mail to

** Several students have not turned in or e-mailed any homework assignments. Please make sure to turn in (via e-mail) all past due homework assignments as soon as possible *



Finish reading Chapter 3 ("Valuing Bonds") & begin reading Chapter 4 ... No Questions will be due.




Prepare for the Mid-Term Exam (to be given on Tuesday, 26 November) by studying Chapters 1, 2 & 3 in "Multinational Finance", and Chapters 2, 3 & 4 in "Principles of Corporate Finance", and by memorizing the formulas covered in these chapters. 



Read Chapter 5 and turn in (via e-mail) the answers to questions 1, 3, 5 & 7 at the end of Chapter 5



Read Chapter 7. Complete and turn in (via e-mail) Questions: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9



Read Chapter 8 and turn in (via e-mail) Q’s #: 1 & 5 + Read Chapter 9 and turn in (via e-mail) Q’s #: 3 & 5 

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